sex video involving sex addict Anwar Ibrahim and Shamsidar Taharin, the
wife of PKR leader Azmin Ali, is set to explode the nation.
The sex video, which is said to show Anwar and Shamsidar having oral sex, has become the hottest topic in the city.The video tape was handed by S.Nallakaruppan – who is facing a RM100million suit filed against him by Anwar – just hours ago to his lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah in the presence of reporters.
The sex video, which is said to show Anwar and Shamsidar having oral sex, has become the hottest topic in the city.The video tape was handed by S.Nallakaruppan – who is facing a RM100million suit filed against him by Anwar – just hours ago to his lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah in the presence of reporters.

told his lawyer at the Kuala Lumpur court complex to “take care of this
properly” and handed over the tape in a sealed brown
envelope.Nalakaruppan said he would reveal the content of the video in
open court but when pressed by the reporters what the video showed, he
said: “Ice cream.”
The extra marital relationship between Anwar and Shamsidar has long been openly talked about.Azmin has been accused of “sacrificing” his wife to gain the affection of Anwar and has never denied the ties between his wife and Anwar, except to describe such talk as gutter politics.
The extra marital relationship between Anwar and Shamsidar has long been openly talked about.Azmin has been accused of “sacrificing” his wife to gain the affection of Anwar and has never denied the ties between his wife and Anwar, except to describe such talk as gutter politics.
Sumber :
yup... sah Anwar Ibrahim lagi... peh shamsidar cun oooo... masa muda bergetah! patut anwar tangkap leleh he he he
video besi so tak boleh jadi saksi...
hhhuyoooo.... mulut shamsidar muat blowjob ANU war tu... tak sangka... tu yg Anwar sayang tu he he he...
selagi tidak ditayangkan lagi atau didahkan dengan betul mohon tidak dibuat fitnah terhadap mereka. besi tetap besi laaa....
web ni byk sgt yg lucah, tak tutup aurat, semoga Allah melaknat org yg menyebarkan perkara maksiat, Amin yarabbal Alamin
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