Friday, December 14, 2012


There is no doubt that Thailand using immoral tactics by giving Malaysia team bad condition facilities as we arrived in Bangkok. For Thailand there's no more respect, no more true spirit of sportsmanship and thinking of good relationship between both country. It was so embarrassing that the main focus of Thailand was only to win over Malaysia and get their team to the final. It show that Thailand have no dignity and pride and too selfish. Do Thailand fell no ashamed when their compared the best hospitality given by Malaysia Government while their were here...

Last Night match was destroyed by the referee named Lee Min-Hu. I don't know why this son of bitch so bias and gave a lot of advantages to the Thailand... Its seem that the match result already written before the match start and somehow it like there was a plan to make Malaysia team suffer all the way to the end of the match.

Mohd Fadhli Shas was proved not guilty because the provocation first came from Thailand player... he just defending him self. But the stupid and poor decision by Son Of Bitch referee Lee Min-Hu make things worse and the red card decision by Son Of Bitch Lee Min-Hu given to Fadhli punish and destroy Malaysia team before the match could be over.

I'm proud to call my self MALAYSIAN and the true supporter of HARIMAU MALAYA... To the Malaysia Soccer player and the team... we will always be there for you... "Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku"!


Thailand SUCK! and the referee Lee Mun-Hu stupid Son Of Bitch


About Stupid Son Of Bitch Lee Min-Hu

Read More Articles about Stupid Son Of Bitch Lee Min-Hu 

Lee Min Hu Layang Kad Merah Kerana Balas Dendam? 
Bukti Ini Kukuh Untuk Siasat Lee Min Hu 
Siapa Lee Min Hu, Pengadil Berat Sebelah Malaysia vs Thailand #HarimauMalaya #AFFSuzuki


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. referee haramjadah..fair play konon...ref sendiri tak fair

  3. kalau referee tu datang malaysia confirm aku baling dengan najis dan telur tembelang!

  4. jgn la buat ape2 kat die.kite ade maruah.kite bkn cam negare yg brtindak sblum berpikir.die buat kite camni tp maruah die trgadai.mmg la klau ikutkn ak nk kasi die satu bullshit msok mulut die.tmbah sikit cili padi dlm bullshit ending mst gadoh trok dgn ngre korea pulak.haha.bia la die.
    pape pon,tetap bgge dgn farizal.klau xpsl die,xtaw la brpe gol thailand dh sumbat.jgn putus asa Harimau Malaya!Kami akn sentiase skong korang wlaupun kalah!Main mulia,menang mulia,kalah pun mulia!no main2 kotor!we are very proud of u Harimau Malaya

    to lee min hu,whatever u did to us is very unfair.did thailand bribe u?or did thailand threaten u?shame on u.such a low class minded people.think about it lee min hu.
    what goes around comes day,u will be punish for what u've done to us.not from us,but maybe someone who is dear to u.hope this will never happen again.

  5. fuck u lee min hu...hrm jadah!!!mati kena bunuhla kluarga ko!!

  6. sial punye k- pop!! boikot k-pop!! boikot gangnam style!!! ban k-pop!! hrm jdh ketrunan korea selatan!!
