Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Apa sebenarnya yang Bar Council nak? itu persoalan utama yg harus dijawab mereka yg bersama Bar Council... Sekarang mereka terang terang menyokong Pembangkang aka Pakatan Rakyat dengan menyertai gerakan menentang dan memburukkan kerajaan... bukan kah Bar Council perlu neutral dan profesional dalam tindak tanduk dan keputusan mereka... malah dikhabarkan Bar Council diresapi agen asing bagi melakukan sabotaj dan espionaj demi melemahkan kerajaan... gila bukan!

 Bar Council sepatutnya mendokong undang-undang dan perlembagaan sebaliknya menggalakkan tindakan "melawan" dan "melanggar undang-undang malah menyediakan peguan untuk mereka yang ditahan... BODOH bukan! kerana menggalakkan rakyat melanggar undang-undang bukan menghormati undang-undang selaras dengan prinsip awal penubuhan Bar Council...

Bar Council sudah tidak releven... dan saya mencadangkan agar Bar Council dibubarkan oleh ahlinya atau kerajaan... seterusnya menubuhkan badan peguam baru yang lebih pragmatik dan bertoleransi dan mendokong perlembagaan serta undang2 negara.

Kegilaaan Bar Council mesti dihentikan... Tahan sahaja LAHANAT dalam Bar Council ini... apa ingat mereka pengamal undang2 mereka kebal dari undang2? sesuatu harus dilakukan sebelum IMEJ ROSAK dan TAHI BUSUK yg dibawa Bar Council tidak menjangkiti seluruh organisasi Kehakiman negara kelak... nescaya hilanglah kepercayaan rakyat kepada perundangan negara!

The Bar Council not only sucks, it's unprofessional, partial, bias and working for the oppositions.

This is what happen when you put half-past-six lawyers as leaders who lack professional ethic.

The Bar Council should have been an independent body and distant itself from politics. In almost everything it does, it seems to be giving undivided support to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat.

Bar Council Chairman Lim Chee Wee is a disgrace calling for an EGM in seeking a public apology from the Home Minister and IGP for alleged use of excessive force against Bersih protesters even before receiving full report of the investigation by Suhakam, Bar observers and an independent panel appointed by the Home Ministry.

To Members of the Malaysian Bar and pupils in chambers
We refer to Circular No 092/2012 dated 4 May 2012, giving notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar to be held as follows:

Date : 11 May 2012 (Friday)
Time : 3:00 pm
Venue :  Grand Ballroom, Sunway Putra Hotel (formerly known as the Legend Hotel), Sunway Putra Place, 100 Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur

The “Motion in relation to the events of and surrounding the BERSIH 3.0 public assembly on 28 April 2012, and matters in connection therewith, proposed by Lim Chee Wee (Chairman, Bar Council), on behalf of the Bar Council, dated 4 May 2012” (item (1) of the agenda) is reproduced below.

In accordance with sections 65(4A) and 65(4B) of the LPA, the quorum shall be 500 Members of the Malaysian Bar, and the EGM shall be dissolved if a quorum is not present by 4:00 pm. 

Members are urged to make every effort to attend the EGM so that the issues on the agenda may be effectively discussed by as many Members as possible.

We look forward to your participation and presence at the EGM on 11 May 2012.
Thank you.
Tony Woon Yeow Thong
Malaysian Bar

Since it is so anti-government and so much interested in politics it should apply to the Register Of Societies to turn the Bar Council into a political party. 

It is obvious, the Bar Council has, unashamedly, become an extension and mouthpiece of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat.

How else could it explain calling for an EGM blaming the police of brutality when many videos evidenced provocation was first started by protesters by breaking down barriers where court order has been obtained making Dataran Merdeka a "no man's land" that day.

Videos taken also showed the crowd attacking a police car, pelleting it with stones, shoes and whatever objects available to them which eventually sent the car out of control and the mob overturning the police car.

The Bar Council chose to ignore all these awful acts of the law breakers, instead, chose to support them,  threatening the police with legal actions.

Not all its members share the Bar Council Chairman's sentiment as evidenced by the video below.

Has the Bar Council also been hijacked by politicians and being used as their campaign machinery? 

Maybe, it's high time the Register of Societies (not sure under which jurisdiction they are registered) write a show cause letter to the Bar Council why they should not be de-registered?

Banyak lagi.

Baca Apanama sini dan komen Hantu Laut sini

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