Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Malaysian Chronicle

Written by P. Dinesh

“Indians not as stupid as they think” quote unquote Ngeh Koo Kam on Twitter. From this statement, we can only conclude that Ngeh, the Perak DAP chairman, thinks Indians are stupid, but not as stupid as ‘they’ think.

Er, so how stupid are Indians, exactly, according to Ngeh? Ngeh’s statement is a Freudian slip which means that what you are thinking in your head is going to come out, either in speech, writing or some other way. Ngeh clearly has always thought of Indians as stupid, and now he finds himself publicly saying it.

What a weird tag-team these two cousins, Ngeh and Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming, make. Nga calls Zambry, the Perak MB, a derogatory name based on his skin color. Hitam metallik or metallic black, no less. WOW, this not only upsets Malays who are ‘hitam-manis’ but also Indians, who are mostly dark-skinned. Ngeh then follows up on the faux pas by describing the Indians as ‘stupid’. If they were to do a duet, it would be titled “The Ballad of the Stupid Black Indian”, we suppose.

Read on at Stop the Lies here.

Helen Ang described these and recent comments from DAP as a strange evangelist DAP treatment of Indian. Read here.

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